
Municipal Election

In Alberta, elections are held every 4 years. The next general municipal election will be held on October 20, 2025.

Town residents will elect one (1) Mayor and six (6) Councillors in the upcoming election.


Advanced Voting

To be determined.

Election Day

Election Day will be Monday, October 20, 2025. Voting will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Lamont Recreation Hall, 4844 49 Street.

Prior to October 1, 2025, voters should go to voterlink.ab.ca to register to vote or confirm your information is correct. You may also register by phone at 780-427-7191 or toll free at 310-0000 then dial 780-427-7191.

In order to vote, PHOTO identification and proof of residential street address, such as: tax notice or utility bill must be provided.

Elected Officials

Foulds, Jody

Harvey, Allan
Holowaychuk, Colleen
Koroluk, Perry
Sieker, Linda


Candidate Information

The Local Authorities Election Act (as amended) governs municipal elections in Alberta. It sets out rules and regulations for candidates, donors, electors, and election administrators that must be followed before, during and after an election.

The Government of Alberta has passed Bill 29, the Local Authorities Election Amendment Act, 2020, which made a number of important changes to the Local Authorities Election Act that will affect upcoming local elections.

These amendments include changes to:

• Nomination period
• Contributions to campaigns
• Advertising

Changes to the Local Authorities Election Act came into effect on September 1, 2020. More information about these changes made by Alberta Municipal Affairs can be found in the Local Authorities Election Act Changes FAQ.

All candidates are encouraged to develop a working knowledge of the Local Authorities Election Act.

It is recommended that candidates seek legal advice, where possible, regarding their obligations.

Nomination Package 
Candidate Information Package

Election Resources

The Province of Alberta provides election resources and information for candidates.

Additional resources can be found on the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) website by clicking the link below.

Returning Officer:

Betty Malica
Phone: 780-895-2010


Council Meetings

Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month commencing at 7:00 PM. Council packages are available for members of Council the Friday prior to the meeting. 

Following the 2025 Municipal Election, successful Candidates will be sworn in as member of Town Council at a Swearing-In Ceremony that will take place on October 28, 2025, followed by the Organizational Meeting of Council.